Besides using the web, mobile or bot to track time, you can install the desktop app on your pc for quick time tracking. You can download the app for MacOS or Windows. Once installed you can log in with your existing credentials and start jibbling.
When the Desktop Productivity power-up is enabled, the desktop app can be used to measure your staff productivity by recording screenshots and measuring their desktop engagement level.ย
Find out more here.ย
For MAC OS: if you get the error message below during installation, just follow the succeeding steps:
You can select the installation package from the Downloads folder, (tap with 2 fingers or right-click) select Open. It will show a different screen with a warning, but there will be an Open button that launches the installer. Follow the steps to complete the installation.
Once installed (Mac), go to System Preferences > Security and Privacy > Privacy > Click Screen Recording > ensure that Jibble has a check. Do the same under Accessibility.
If you don't see Jibble under Accessibility and Screen Recording, please click the padlock icon at the bottom to add Jibble.