When you enable the Work Schedules Power-Up, you'll have the ability to set specific start and end times for your staff set overtime rules and automatic break deductions.
A Work Schedule consists of 4 elements:
Work Days/times
Overtime rules
Break calculations
Associated Members.
We'll cover all these sections below.
Creating the Work Schedule
Go the Settings Page and click "Add New Work Schedule" and give it a name (e.g. Marketing Team Work Schedule)
You'll have options to go straight to the other sections or click "Continue" to set up the work days.
Setting Work Days/Times
Work days/times allow attendance reminders to be set. There will be many additional features that use these work days/times.
You have 3 options based on your workflow:
Option #1: Fixed Daily Hours
Select this option if your staff needs to work a total number of hours in a day, but are flexible with their start/end times.
For example, most of your staff typically work from 9 am to 6 pm but there are some who work from 7 am to 5 pm. The total time tracked should be 9 hours in total, regardless of their start/end time (inclusive of the lunch break, if you intend to set up automatic break deductions).
The summary (i.e. Total per week) shows 45 hours, of which the 5 hours can be deducted in the breaks; leading to a 40-hour work week.
Option #2: Fixed Daily Times
If your team members have a fixed start - end time for the day you can choose this option instead. They will also be able to receive notifications about late clock-ins or outs as well.
If you select a start time, all overtime calculations will be based on that set start time.
For example, if your team members clock in at 7.45 am, but their start time is 8 am, the first 15 minutes is not taken into account in the OT calculations.
More about that in this article.
There is also an option to include time tracked outside of the start time. If this option Is unchecked, this will affect the Total Regular Hours in the time sheets but not the Total Clocked Hours.
For example, if working hours are from 9 am - 6 pm and your staffed clocked in at 8 am and clocked out at 6 pm, his Total Clocked Hours is 10 hours but his Total Regular Hours will only show 9 hours because it won't count the 1 hour clocked in outside his scheduled start time.
Option #3: Flexible Weekly Hours
Similar to Fixed Daily Hours but for this option, no work days are stated because all that matters to you is that they fulfill the number of hours of work for that week. Then, this option best suits your company.
For example, if you have team members who work full time at 40 hours/ week + 5 hrs a week of paid breaks, you can simply insert 45.
Caveat: If you use flexible hours you can’t select “Rest Day Overtime” in the overtime rules.
Setting Overtime Rules
We have 5 different overtime rules. You can enable/disable them if they apply to your needs and of course, change the thresholds depending on your local regulations.
You can always change the number of hours depending on your company’s policy.
Weekly Overtime
Select this option if your employees are eligible for a different pay rate after a certain number of hours per week.
Daily Overtime
Your typical standard overtime rule. So in the example above, anyone who worked more than 9 hours (inclusive of a lunch break) will be counted as overtime.
Daily Double Overtime
This option can be used as a secondary overtime threshold which will be enforced once a higher number of hours is reached for the Daily Overtime.
Based on the example above, if someone works 14 hours (exclusive of break time):
Their Daily Double OT will be 2 hours (in excess of 12 hours)
Their Daily OT will be 4 hours (over 8 hours, but before the Daily Double OT takes place)
Rest Day Overtime
This applies to all the hours worked on a rest day. In other words, days that have 0 hours in the work days tab. Note that this does not work with “Flexible Weekly Hours.”
Public Holiday Overtime
When you have set up the public holidays feature, anyone who works on a holiday is marked as Public Holiday Overtime as long as your staff clocks in/out on that holiday.
Setting Breaks
Breaks are automated deductions that will apply to your staff’s work hours. This should only be applied if your team members do not clock in/out for breaks.
Breaks are applied daily, and you can add as many breaks as you would like (think: coffee break or team bonding break).
When creating a break, you have two fields:
Work duration: This is the minimum amount of time someone needs to work in a day before a break deduction is applied
Break duration: The time of the deducted break in minutes
In the example above, we assume a typical work day from 9 am until 6 pm. The total clocked time would be 9 hours.
An automated lunch break deduction would bring this figure to only 8 hours of work per day.
By setting the work duration to only 5 hours (as seen in the screenshot above), this means that after working for 5 hours; 1 hour (60 mins) of lunch break shall be deducted from the timesheet, and will be reflected in your report.
Assigning Members to the Work Schedule
You can assign individual team members to a specific work schedule or simply select all team members.
You can assign anyone or everyone in a specific teamwork schedule.
All rules (work days, overtime, breaks) will always apply to the associated team members.
A team member can only have one work schedule if you assign a new work schedule to a team member. If you assign more than one work schedule, the system will override the previously assigned work schedule.
Following your settings, whenever you export your timesheets you will have an overview of all overtime calculations and break deductions.
Now, let's continue to the next article to learn about Overtime Calculations.