When you activate the Policies power-up, you can set up different rules and enforcements for your team to use Jibble. To configure the Jibble policies go to Settings > Policies.
You will see a screen that looks like this:
Keep in mind that all the policies and settings will apply to "normal members" so not to team owners and admins. Read more about multiple admins here.
Use server clock instead of local clock to prevent fraudulent time entries
By default, the device time (local clock) is always recorded when employees Jibble In/Out. When using mobile, this means that the time is captured from the phone or tablet and changing the device team could affect this.
To fully prevent fraudulent time entries, you can set the server clock to be used instead. When enabled, time entries cannot be manually updated by employees later, either.
Allow team members to edit/delete entries on their timesheets
Prevent or allow users to edit or delete entries afterwards. Especially for Attendance management, you might not want your employees to change their in/out time.
Allow team members to view all member info and time entries
By default, everyone can see all action log items on the dashboard (or from Slack if enabled) and all data in the "Who's In/Out" widget.
You can limit this access in two different ways:
Team members can only see their own action items (ins & outs). And Team managers will only be able to see team members managed by them
Or Team members can see all action items.
Require team members to Jibble In with an activity
If you have setup Activity Tracking. You can force your employees to Jibble In on an activity.
When activated, employees will not be able to Jibble in without selecting an activity first.
Keep in mind that you have to set up activities to make this work. If there are no activities, it is still possible to Jibble In without it. You can read more on Activity Tracking here.
Require team members to Jibble In with a selfie
If your team Jibbles from a phone or tablet, you can require them to Jibble in with a selfie so you can always verify their attendance. Note that they can still Jibble In/Out without a selfie from the web app or slack unless you restrict them from using that (see below).
Require team members using mobile to Jibble In/Out with their location
If you have Geolocation activated, you can force your team members to only Jibble In/Out with their location.
Read more about the Geolocation power-up here.
Require team members to Jibble In with screen recordings
If you have Desktop Productivity activated, you can force your team members to only Jibble In/Out with screen recordings from the desktop app. You can read more on Desktop Productivity here.
Jibble can be used across multiple devices and plaforms. By default your employees can use the Web Browsers and their Mobile Phone to Jibble in/Out. However you can force them to only use a specific device/channel, or prevent them from using one.
You can make sure your employees will not use their phone to Jibble in/out. This works for all users with the iOS app in personal mode (the Kiosk for admins will still work) or Android devices.
Web Browser
You can prevent users from Jibbling In/Out from the web browser. They will still have access to the Jibble Platform and have access to their logs, timesheets, etc.
If you have activated the Slack power-up you can access Jibble through your Slack channel. By default all your users can Jibble in/out through Slack. You can prevent them from doing so by selecting "Do Not Allow".
You will still have access to alerts/timesheets/logs/etc. read more about Jibble for Slack here.